MEDERI. Medical Devices Research & Innovation

The MEDERI (Medical Devices Research & Innovation) Living Lab aims to create an innovative environment in the health technology sector focused on the patient, which enhances the relationship with companies of this sector and generates competitive and private projects. It is a multidisciplinary environment, because the team of researchers who are working on it are experts in robotics, industrial informatics and process control, as well as computer vision and computer graphics and multimedia, all of them applied to health.

Get to know us better


Jorge Bondia

El MEDERI (Medical Devices Research & Innovation) Living Lab es un espacio dedicado al fomento de la  innovación en el sector de tecnología aplicada a la salud, centrado en el paciente. Su objetivo es potenciar la relación con las empresas del sector, así como la generación de proyectos competitivos y privados. Se trata de un espacio multidisciplinar, ya que las áreas de conocimiento en las que son expertos sus investigadores van desde la robótica y la informática industrial al control de procesos, la visión por computador y la informática gráfica y multimedia, todas ellas, con aplicaciones en el ámbito de la salud.
Conócenos mejor


Jorge Bondia


Rehabilitación virtual
  • Artificial Pancreas Demonstrator
  • Touch-screen tables.
  • Equipment for meetings with companies (computers, table, sofa, couch and television).
  • Activities area.


  • Activities with users to co-design and test technologies in the following fields:
    • Tools for training and improving the adhesion of treatments.
    • E-health and M-health Technologies.
    • Robotics for Health.
    • Devices and interfaces for advanced treatments.
  • These capabilities are applied to the following fields:
    • Chronic diseases.
    • Rehalitation
    • Mental health and well-being.
    • Ageing