The general objective of the project is to contribute to industrial digitalisation by facilitating the development of predictable, reliable and secure industrial computing systems through the development and/or integration of specific models, middleware and platforms.
This general objective is materialised in the following specific objectives:
- G-O1 Establish mechanisms to enhance predictability, execution isolation and security in multi-core cyber-physical systems for running applications that may contain components with different levels of criticality.
- G-O2 Development of specific middleware, adaptation and integration of middleware extensions for communication and execution of applications.
- G-O3 Specify and model applications targeted for use in I4.0 to enable execution control and resource optimisation through middleware in the edge/fog/cloud multi-tier architecture.
- G-O4 Analyse the impact of the vulnerability of components and propose schemes to ensure their security (cybersecurity).
- G-O5 Apply project methods and techniques to various case studies and development of demonstrators.
- G-O6 Development of guidelines and recommendations for use in industry.
- G-O7 Dissemination of results.
These general objectives cover aspects related to Platform (O1), Middleware and framework (O2), Modelling (O3), Cybersecurity (O4), Application (O5), Industry support (O6) and Dissemination (O7).
Specific objectives of Instituto ai2
- UPV-O1: Development of multicore scheduling mechanisms with non-conventional criteria and techniques. Definition of non-conventional scheduling techniques (integer linear programming, machine learning…) to obtain optimal schedules according to different criteria.
- UPV-O2: Development of criticality and mixed cybersecurity models for partitioned systems. Spatial and temporal isolation models of execution environments will be studied, defined and implemented that consider criticality and mixed cybersecurity.
- UPV-O3: Development and adaptation of communications middleware between partitions. Development of a distributed real-time platform and an industrial middleware to communicate the selected heterogeneous platform and the rest of the system.
- UPV-O4: Development of industrial demonstrators and recommendations for industrial digitalisation. Development of Laser cutting machine demonstrator in which mass data acquisition systems will be developed by adapting the sensors implanted in laser cutting machines to provide realtime feedback for system control.
The project is oriented towards the development of methods, techniques and software tools for cyber-physical systems that support applications with multiple criticality. The research activities to be carried out are organized in the following phases:
- Analysis of requirements and specification: based on the results of the previous project, and taking into account the new objectives, approach to new problems and specification of the results to be obtained.
- Analysis, design and development or integration of the components or techniques necessary to achieve the objectives of the tasks to be performed .
- Implementation and development of the prototypes that will allow to validate the proposed techniques.
- Demonstrate and document the evidence that contributes to future studies for the component certification.
To achieve the objectives, a set of coordination meetings and follow-up of the planned activities detailed in coordination mechanisms in Section 1 are proposed. Additionally, annual work sessions will be planned open to the scientific community on topics related to the project, which will allow the progress made and the research results of other similar works carried out by other groups to be gathered and compared.