
SynBioCAD: Automated workflow for biomanufacturing.


Problem to solve

Sustainable industrial production of biomolecules in biofoundries requires software tools spanning the different steps of the Design-Build-Test-Learn (DBTL) pipeline in order to address current and future demands in an efficient, automated, and distributed way. To that end, the development of a suite of software tools that execute the different steps of the pipeline in a concerted way and employ standardized exchange data formats is needed.

Offered technological solution

The Institute of Industrial Control Systems and Computing of the Universitat Politècnica de València participates in the development of the open-source project Galaxy-SynBioCAD, which provides an integrated system based on the Galaxy platform for the implementation of workflow using software tools of the DBTL cycle.

This platform provide, among others, the following tools:

  • RetroPath 2.0: for bioproduction routes search.
  • Selenzyme: for the selection of enzyme sequences in the bioproduction routes.
  • DNA parts selection and generation of assembly instructions for the parts using liquid handling robots like OpenTrons.

In addition, the system can be integrated with a tool for biosensor design for dynamic regulation of the production pathway.

Development team

The group of the Process Control Area that is responsible for the development of these tools has more than 10 years of experience in the field of biotechnology and has participated in more than 10 national and European grants, having published more than 60 publications in scientific journals.

State of development and IPR

SynBioCAD is currently available as an open-soource tool that can be locally installed or run online. This software is registered in the catalogue of the Universitat Politècnica de València.

Desired collaboration

We look for an industrial partner interested in additional functionalities that can be integrated into the workflow platform, like scale up, optimization, experiemental design, screening, etc.